Sunday, February 14, 2010

Introduction : An Hour with Kar Yee

(author : J Mok)


As this is the first post, I'll like to formally introduce to you and you and you, this wonderful blog

"An Hour With Who".

The idea started out as I was "carpooling" myself home with my dear friend Kar Yee's (KY) car after a late night's class. Being with KY at anytime, anywhere can be an absolute hilarious and joyful experience. Anyone who knows her would agree with me.

So in the passenger seat, she told me about her experience with her course mates and their funny idea. They should make a blog called "An Hour with KY". It was a GREAT idea! All the silly things that we'd gone through with her would be a good read. We could read it few years from now, maybe someone would have migrated, have kids, grandkids....ok, let's not go that far. But it was really great.

After a few days of pondering on my own, I came up with this blog you're visiting now. It's just the original idea EXPANDED.

It is a perfect place to store your memories and let them live on in others as they read. Great for those who do not own or plan to own a blog, or just can't keep up with maintaining their blogs. So on and so forth.

There are possible future activities such as competitions, forum and maybe...maybe...seeing your good work published. Stick around and see how things grow.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

How to do it?

Step 1: Type our your experience in Microsoft Office Word. (Other similar softwares acceptable unless mentioned)

Step 2: Review your work. (Additional images, videos and links optional)

Step 3: Send it to

Step 4: Wait for posting by Who Team member within then next 24 hours. (Successful entry authors would be notified by email.

Step 5: Entry up and done! Share it with your friends.



Ever got that hilarious joke and wish you could have recorded it somewhere? Or maybe heard an inspirational story that you think would do good for others to know as well? Maybe this, maybe that.

Then you have come to the right place!

Here, you get to send entries about your experiences and thoughts? Why you wanna do that?

1. You don't have to worry about posting and editing. We'll do it for you.

2. You don't have to worry about your blog looking empty and lonely. With frequent posts from anyone, anywhere, there's bound to be some hype.

3. You don't have to worry no one reads. With the variety of content on the blog, yours is bound to be read.

4. It may also serve as an advertising platform for your company.


A good deal? Then start typing on that keyboard and send us your entries today!


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